The unofficial Bike Sharing analytics service for Udine (aka Bike MarStefo) makes the free download of the dataset available to everyone.

Select the data collection start date.
Select the data collection end date.
Stations (leave it blank for everything)
This is a list of the stations currently present. Select the stations concerned. If none is selected, the information of all stations, including those no longer present now, will be retrieved.
publisher Stefano Slobodiuk
creator Stefano Slobodiuk
rightsHolder Stefano Slobodiuk
contactPoint stefano dot slobodiuk at gmail dot com
title Bike sharing usage data in Udine (Italy)
description The dataset contains data saved every 10 minutes of the available bikes, total slots and if it is active for all the stations.
issued 04/06/2020
modified 30/12/2024 (the dataset is updated in real time)
accrualPeriodicity Every 10 minutes
license License Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike
keyword bike, sharing, udine
other We thank the friends of for managing the data recovery infrastructure.